Detailed insight into the relationship between structure, function, and reactivity is crucial for the success of modern science.
Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SC-XRD, SXRD, SCD) is one of the most powerful methods for generating this vital information and has thus become an essential tool for new discovery.
More information on Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction in chemical crystallography and structural biology is available from our PDF.
The standard for Versatility. The D8 VENTURE provides the platform for biological crystallography and all dual wavelength combinations for chemical crystallography.
Intuitive and easy-to-use Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction Software. World´s best algorithms for superior data.
The standard for quality. The D8 QUEST is a single X-ray source configuration for typical applications in chemical crystallography.
SCOUT – Automated sample changing system
PHOTON III and PHOTON II – Find out more about our detectors for your crystallographic application.
X-ray Sources and Detectors
Find more information about X-ray sources, optics, detectors, goniometers, in-situ stages, and low temperature devices.
ECOfriendly, ECOnomical Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction with ECOperformance for chemical crystallography.
METALJET X-ray Source
The METALJET for X-ray diffraction delivers the most intensive X-ray beam of any home lab X-ray sourcemeeting the ever increasing demands of modern structural biology.
SC-XRD Webinars
Bruker’s webinar broadcast subjects are designed to cover current topics, provide prompt solutions to tricky questions, and offer development ideas for new applications, modes, or techniques.
Biological SAXS
SAXS has recently gained momentum as a powerful technique for structural biologists. Biological SAXS is indeed a great tool for elucidating the size, conformation, and flexibility of proteins in solution, under physiologically-relevant conditions.
Pre-owned Systems
Bruker offers pre-owned and demo SC-XRD systems for an attractive price. All systems are completely refurbished and typically come with a one-year warranty.